SIGMOD 2015 Call for Tutorial Proposals
We solicit proposals for tutorials for presentation at the 2015 SIGMOD conference. Proposals must provide an in-depth survey of the chosen topic with the option of describing a particular piece of work in detail. A meaningful summary of open issues in the topic should be included.
Proposals must be no more than five pages, using an 11 pt or larger font for the body of the text of the proposal, and must include enough detail to provide a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth to which it will be covered. Proposals should also indicate the tutorial length (typically 1.5 or 3 hours; if the tutorial can be either length, please be sure to identify which material is included for each length). Proposals should also identify any other venues in which all or part of the tutorial has been or will be presented, and explain how the current proposal differs from those other editions of the tutorial. Tutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience and any prerequisite knowledge for attendees. Proposals should include a brief (no more than 3 sentences) professional biography.
Each accepted tutorial is expected to jump start non-experts, namely, equipping them with the crucial knowledge required to commence research in a field. Proposals that focus excessively on the authors' work are discouraged.
Tutorials may be taped and these videos, as well as the presentation slides, will be included in SIGMOD Digital Library (Anthology and Digital Symposium collection - DiSC). All accepted presenters will be required to sign the necessary permission forms to permit this distribution.
Program Committee: Philip Bohannon (Facebook) Wenfei Fan (University of Edinburgh & Beihang University) Floris Geerts (University of Antwerp) Felix Naumann (Hasso-Plattner-Institut) Meral Ozsoyoglu (Case Western Reserve University) Tamer Özsu (University of Waterloo) Jignesh Patel (University of Wisconsin) Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs) Haixun Wang (Google)
Please submit proposals via by November 30, 2014, 11:59pm PST.