Organization: Affiliated Workshops
DaMoN (The 11th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware)
Ippokratis Pandis (,
Martin Kersten (
DanaC (The 4th workshop on Data Analytics at Scale )
Asterios Katsifodimos (
ExploreDB (The 2nd International Workshop on Exploratory Search in Databases and the Web)
Kostas Stefanidis (,
Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (,
Mirek Riedewald (,
Koutrika, Georgia (
GeoRich’15 (The 2nd International ACM Workshop on Managing and Mining Semantically Rich Geo-Spatial Data)
Kyriakos MOURATIDIS (,
Matthias Renz (,
Tobias Emrich (
GRADES 2015 (The 3rd International Workshop on GRAph Data management Experiences and Systems )
Josep Lluís Larriba Pey (,
Willke, Theodore L (,
Peter Boncz (
WebDB (The 18th International Workshop on the Web and Databases)
Julia Stoyanovich (
Fabian M. Suchanek (
SIGMOD/PODS Ph.D. Symposium
Pablo Barcelo
Heng Tao Shen