2015 ACM SIGMOD Accepted Industrial Papers
- Rethinking Data-Intensive Science Using Scalable Analytics Systems
Frank Nothaft (University of California, Berkeley);
Matt Massie (University of California, Berkeley);
Timothy Danford (University of California, Berkeley);
Zhao Zhang (University of California, Berkeley);
Uri Laserson (Cloudera);
Carl Yeksigian (Genomebridge);
Jey Kottalam (University of California, Berkeley);
Arun Ahuja (Carl Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai);
Jeff Hammerbacher (Carl Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai);
Michael Linderman (Carl Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai);
Michael Franklin (University of California, Berkeley);
Anthony Joseph (University of California, Berkeley);
David Patterson (University of California, Berkeley);
- Analytics in Motion
Lucas Braun (ETH Zurich);
Thomas Etter (ETH Zurich);
Georgios Gasparis (ETH Zurich);
Martin Kaufmann (ETH Zurich);
Donald Kossmann (ETH Zurich);
Daniel Widmer (ETH Zurich);
Aharon Avitzur (Huawei Technologies);
Anthony Iliopoulos (Huawei Technologies);
Eliezer Levy (Huawei Technologies);
Ning Liang (Huawei Technologies);
- Large-scale Predictive Analytics in Vertica: Fast Data Transfer, Distributed Model Creation, and In-database Prediction
Shreya Prasad (HP Vertica);
Arash Fard (HP Vertica);
Vishrut Gupta (HP Vertica);
Jorge Martinez (HP Vertica);
Jeff LeFevre (HP Vertica);
Vincent Xu (HP Vertica);
Meichun Hsu (HP Vertica);
Indrajit Roy (HP Labs);
- Oracle Workload Intelligence
Quoc Trung Tran (Oracle USA);
Konstantinos Morfonios (Oracle USA);
Neoklis Polyzotis (Google, Inc);
- Telco Churn Prediction with Big Data
Yiqing Huang (School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China);
Fangzhou Zhu (School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China);
Mingxuan Yuan (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong);
Ke Deng (School of Computer Science and Information Technology RMIT University, Australia);
Yanhua Li (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong);
Bing Ni (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong);
Wenyuan Dai (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong);
Qiang Yang (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong);
Jia Zeng (School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China & Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong);
- Apache Tez: A Unifying Framework for Modeling and Building Data Processing Applications
Bikas Saha (Hortonworks);
Hitesh Shah (Hortonworks);
Siddharth Seth (Hortonworks);
Gopal Vijayaraghavan (Hortonworks);
Arun Murthy (Hortonworks);
Carlo Curino (Microsoft);
- QMapper for Smart Grid: Migrating SQL-based Application to Hive
Yue Wang (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
Yingzhong Xu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
Yue Liu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
Jian Chen (Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation, China);
Songlin Hu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
- REEF: Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Markus Weimer (Microsoft);
Yingda Chen (Microsoft);
Byung-Gon Chun (Seoul National University);
Tyson Condie (UCLA);
Carlo Curino (Microsoft);
Chris Douglas (Microsoft);
Yunseong Lee (Seoul National University);
Tony Majestro (Microsoft);
Dahlia Malkhi (VMWare);
Sergiy Matusevych (Microsoft);
Brandon Myers (University of Washington);
Shravan Narayanamurthy (Microsoft);
Raghu Ramakrishnan (Microsoft);
Sriram Rao (Microsoft);
Russel Sears (PureStorage);
Beysim Sezgin (Microsoft);
Julia Wang (Microsoft);
- The LDBC Social Network Benchmark: Interactive Workload
Orri Erling (OpenLink Software);
Alex Averbuch (Neo Technology);
Josep Larriba-Pey (Sparsity Technologies);
Hassan Chafi (Oracle Labs);
Andrey Gubichev (TU Munich);
Arnau Prat (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya);
Minh-Duc Pham (VU University Amsterdam);
Peter Boncz (CWI);
- TencentRec: Real-time Stream Recommendation in Practice
Yanxiang Huang (Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (MOE), School of EECS, Peking University);
Bin Cui (Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (MOE), School of EECS, Peking University);
Wenyu Zhang (Tencent Inc.);
Jie Jiang (Tencent Inc.);
Ying Xu (Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (MOE), School of EECS, Peking University);
- Why Big Data Industrial Systems Need Rules and What We Can Do About It
Paul Suganthan G.C. (University of Wisconsin-Madison);
Chong Sun (Uber);
Krishna Gayatri K. (University of Wisconsin-Madison);
Haojun Zhang (University of Wisconsin-Madison);
Frank Yang (LinkedIn);
Narasimhan Rampalli (@WalmartLabs);
Shishir Prasad (@WalmartLabs);
Esteban Arcaute (@WalmartLabs);
Ganesh Krishnan (@WalmartLabs);
Rohit Deep (@WalmartLabs);
Vijay Raghavendra (@WalmartLabs);
AnHai Doan (University of Wisconsin-Madison);
- Twitter Heron: Stream Processing at Scale
Sanjeev Kulkarni (Twitter);
Nikunj Bhagat (Twitter);
Masong Fu (Twitter);
Vikas Kedigehalli (Twitter);
Christopher Kellogg (Twitter);
Sailesh Mittal (Twitter);
Jignesh Patel (University of Wisconsin);
Karthik Ramasamy (Twitter);
Siddarth Taneja (Twitter);
- Amazon Redshift and the Case for Simpler Data Warehouses
Anurag Gupta (Amazon Web Services);
Deepak Agarwal (Amazon Web Services);
Derek Tan (Amazon Web Services);
Jakub Kulesza (Amazon Web Services);
Rahul Pathak (Amazon Web Services);
Stefano Stefani (Amazon Web Services);
Vidhya Srinivasan (Amazon Web Services);
- Design and Implementation of the LogicBlox System
Molham Aref (LogicBlox);
Balder ten Cate (LogicBlox);
Todd Green (LogicBlox);
Benny Kimelfeld (LogicBlox);
Dan Olteanu (LogicBlox);
Emir Pasalic (LogicBlox);
Todd Veldhuizen (LogicBlox);
Geoffrey Washburn (LogicBlox);
- Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark
Michael Armbrust (Databricks);
Reynold Xin (Databricks);
Cheng Lian (Databricks);
Yin Huai (Databricks);
Davies Liu (Databricks);
Joseph Bradley (Databricks);
Xiangrui Meng (Databricks);
Tomer Kaftan (UC Berkeley);
Michael Franklin (UC Berkeley);
Ali Ghodsi (Databricks);
Matei Zaharia (Databricks);
- Purity: Building Fast, Highly-Available Enterprise Flash Storage from Commodity Components
John Colgrove (Pure Storage);
John Davis (Pure Storage);
John Hayes (Pure Storage);
Ethan Miller (Pure Storage);
Cary Sandvig (Pure Storage);
Russell Sears (Pure Storage);
Ari Tamches (Pure Storage);
Neil Vachharajani (Pure Storage);
Feng Wang (Pure Storage);
- On Improving User Response Times in Tableau
Pawel Terlecki (Tableau Software);
Fei Xu (Tableau Software);
Marianne Shaw (Tableau Software);
Valeri Kim (Tableau Software);
Richard Wesley (Tableau Software);
- ShareInsights - An Unified Approach to Full-stack Data Processing
MUKUND DESHPANDE (Persistent Systems Ltd.);
DHRUVA RAY (Persistent Systems Ltd.);
SAMEER DIXIT (Persistent Systems Ltd.);
AVADHOOT AGASTI (Persistent Systems Ltd.);